At its simplest level, financial aid is money provided to help bridge the gap between your family's own resources and the amount needed to pay for the cost of attending Mercer University. The primary responsibility for meeting the cost of a Mercer education rests with the student and his/her family. Eligibility for financial aid is based on Mercer University's cost minus the amount the Federal Government expects your family to contribute towards that cost. The formula for determining this contribution, as written into federal law, takes into account your family income and assets
To receive federal funds administered by the Office of Student Financial Aid, you must have a high school diploma (or equivalent), be enrolled as a regular student (e.g. not a special admit, transient or audit student) in a degree-granting program at least half-time (6 hours), have a valid social security number, be a US citizen or eligible non-citizen and be making satisfactory academic progress toward completion of your degree. You must not owe a refund on any federal grant and must not be in default on any student loan previously received. You must be registered with the Selective Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service if required by law to do so. You must not have been rendered ineligible for federal aid as a result of a drug conviction. Suspected cases of fraud or abuse will be reported to the US Office of Inspector General.
Federal regulations require that we verify the accuracy of information provided. As a result, many applicants must submit tax returns and other requested documents. If you do not provide these materials in a timely manner, you will not receive financial aid.
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